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Sarantos Days In Spain Official Music Video - Best Solo Instrumentals - Vol. 1

  • www.melogia.com/
    As per the routine Sarantos has established, the 2nd CD "Close Your Eyes" with 11 original songs dropped on November 17th, 2015. Since fans have grown to expect surprises, Sarantos was proud to announce yet another one. On November 27th (Black Friday) a special CD called "Best Solo Instrumentals - Vol. 1" was released. And let's not forget the 2nd book which parallels the songs on the album and is the 2nd book of this fiction/fantasy trilogy.
    All of these can also be ordered direct from the website as an exclusive limited edition autographed copy. Purchasing there will automatically sign you up for a free raffle with a lot of fan extras like a chance to have dinner with Sarantos.
    "Well, I guess Year 2 is coming to a close" says Sarantos. "I want to thank my fans for continuing to support me on my journey. I am thankful for all their love and support. Being super busy myself, I realize the most valued commodity I have is my time. So the fact that you are giving up your most valuable asset to me means the world to me. Anytime you spend even a second with my song, my music videos or my book chapters, I understand the sacrifice you are making. THANK YOU. Look at what we’ve done together!"
    Sarantos Musical Mission or Goal:
    My goal when you listen to one of my songs is very simple. I want you to feel the need to:
    - Sing
    - Dance or move to the groove (for those of you that hate dancing or think it's not cool or manly)
    - Play the song over and over again

    Categoría: Viajes y eventos


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