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Calle 13 – Latinoamérica (Lyrics || English translation)

  • Notes:
    1) A few times, I used ‘people’ in its singular sense, which I know is rare, but that’s just what fit best in some cases. In its singular sense, it can be used to refer to a collective, a community like a nation, race, etc. In this case, it encompasses the Latin American community.
    2) There’s a part in Quechua in the beginning of the video which, although it’s not part of the song, I also worked on. I used several different versions I found of it translated to Spanish, compared them, and I also used Quechua-Spanish/Spanish-Quechua online dictionaries.
    3) ‘Inti Raymi’ means Inti Festival or Sun Festival.
    4) The Operation Condor was, basically, a plan created by the USA during the Cold War: the US “implanted” and supported dictatorships all over South America to suppress the spread of communist/leftist ideology. Needless to say that caused a lot of long-lasting harm in that region.
    Finally, I apologize for any inconveniences with the type of font; I noticed the color makes it hard to read at times, but I’m using the demo version of a video editor to make these and that’s the only one available, so it’ll have to do (:
    Questions about this video or requests for future translated lyric videos are welcome.

    Category : Videos y musica


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