⭐️Haz clic en el enlace ver hofertas aqui para obtener un kit de cupones de ?$100 o ⭐️ Busca aah67671 en la aplicación Temu para obtener un ?30% de descuento. ver hofertas aqui


  • I'm extremely happy and excited to announce YogaFit Ibiza. The only resort based retreat in Ibiza. Click here for more information and to book: yogafitibiza.com/
    APRIL 18th to 24th 2016 – Prices starting from £295 per person. Retreats are all-inclusive, with all training, classes, food, accommodation and even free childcare included in the price!
    Visit: yogafitibiza.com/ for more information and to make a booking.
    If you have any questions on the retreats at all please email at lindsay@lindsayjay.co.uk or comment below.
    Looking forward to welcoming you to Ibiza soon x
    I want to say thank you to everyone who has watched this video! I still can't believe it has so many views... keep dancing like no one is watching!
    Join the Party and Subscribe: www.youtube.com/user/LindsayJa...
    You can also find me on www.gymcube.com/
    Lindsay Jay Fitness offers a wide range of fitness, yoga and dance sessions, including Zumba® -- an exhilarating, effective, easy-to-follow, Latin-inspired, calorie-burning dance fitness-party™.
    'LIKE' us on Facebook - www.facebook.com/LindsayJayFi...
    Follow us on twitter - LJFitness - twitter.com/LJFitness
    Join our mailing list to stay upto date by emailing us at lindsay@lindsayjay.co.uk

    Categoría: Videos y musica


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⭐️Haz clic en el enlace* VER HOFERTA AQUI para obtener un kit de cupones de ?$100 o ⭐️ Busca aah67671 en la aplicación Temu para obtener un ?30% de descuento. VER HOFERTA AQUI