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Hello, this is Andre Graff. Seven years ago I decided to change my life
Behind Bars Season 2 Episode 7: La Mesa – A Mexican prison just over the US border. | Prison Documentary
Behind Bars - Episode - Urso Branco, Brazil:
Thanks to: Ulises gael Davalos zamor •
Music by CO.AG •
If you would like your footage e
Dos equipos de filmación viajan por el salvaje mundo del Ártico con su original belleza. Un mundo que está cambiando y que pronto dejará de existir como lo conocemos hoy. Un viaje
La ruta 7 de Chile, la carretera Austral, se adentra en la magnífica naturaleza patagónica, un territorio que los expatriados alemanes también eligieron como su nuevo hogar.
¿Cómo viajar a través de un país misterioso y completamente aislado, que mantiene al mundo en vilo? Dos amigos visitan Corea del Norte en 2013 y 2017, y hacen lo que está terminant
El Ártico es una de las regiones más fascinantes del mundo y, al mismo tiempo, la más amenazada. Dos equipos de filmación dan una vuelta alrededor del Polo Norte, en este primer ca
In late December, the tiny Cuban town of Remedios splits in half and prepares for war. They make thousands of pounds of homemade fireworks, build floats, and kick off the craziest
The town has been preparing for the Parrandas for five long months, but disaster strikes on the eve of the festival. There's an electrical short somewhere in the 50-year-old wirin
Featured as part of the documentary ‘Outside It’s America’, the ‘Spanish Eyes’ video includes footage from the first leg of The Joshua Tree Tour. Directed by
Now United - Na Na Na (Official Spanish Music Video) REACTION
Today we're taking a look at @NOW UNITED Now United - Na Na Na (Official Spanish Music Video)! We've been waiting
This is our goapsy-story briefly, an insider and personal documentary dedicated to the crew and our "idealistically psychedelic" visions that began with 20 people dancing on the be
2020. Is it a year to remember or a year to forget?
It’s tempting to sob about what could’ve been, but we always have our cherished memories to keep us aspiring. Smelling the
Celebrated as being one of the best naive artists, Henri Rousseau's best-known works are lush jungle scenes, inspired not by any firsthand experiences of such far-away places, but